My name is Frank Dill and I use Flipboard for three different purposes. My students get to use it as a learning tool for their student-generated science magazine. I also sponsor the school’s SWAT club, an anti-tobacco group, and they use it for publicity and advocacy. Finally, I like Flipboard because it allows me to keep a synoptic reading list. At one point in time I just kept all of my interesting research articles in a notebook! The best article I read recently was the effects of poverty on the human brain. The facts are sobering. You end up with 6% less brain surface area. My favorite topic on Flipboard is science and science education. A magazine I’ve found on Flipboard that’s made my life better includes any of the magazines on teaching are full of great ideas and advice from veteran teachers. I’ve been able to successfully implement a lot of the ideas that have been shared. I’m better off for it and so are my students. My “media diet” includes….well, I’m a news junkie. My wife doesn’t understand how I can have CNN and NPR on while surfing the Web?! I guess it’s the ADD. I find new information by following other Flipboard Magazines and Google Alerts. Isn’t that how everybody does it? A unique productivity tip of mine is to keep old-fashioned three-inch spiral notebook on my desk. I put to-do list items on it and it feels so satisfying to cross them off. Also, you get a sense of accomplishment when you look at how many pages you’ve filled and checked off. Check out Frank Dill’s Flipboard magazines ~ShonaS is curating “Compulsive & ConsciousGET FLIPBOARD ON: iOS / ANDROID / WINDOWS / WEB FOLLOW US ON: FLIPBOARD / TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE+ / TUMBLR / YOUTUBE / SOUNDCLOUD / PINTEREST / MEDIUM