Last week Jenn de la Vega and I joined forces once again to put on the second ever #FlipBlogger webinar, this one in honor of the upcoming Blogalicious conference. For an all too brief half hour we discussed the many ways that stories are the foundation of life and how Flipboard helps bloggers feed their inspiration, stories, and organization. We also explored how Flipboard differs from other content curation sites like Pinterest. As one participant put it: flipboard-tweet Much in the same way stories fuel our lives, Flipboard can power storytelling by expanding your horizon with over 34,000 topics just waiting to be discovered and explored. We also encouraged webinar attendees to dive in and get connected with people outside their usual spheres. You can find the video of the webinar here: Or flip through the slides here:  [embed][/embed] When you watch the video of the webinar or flip through the slides, you’ll also discover blogger benefits of using Flipboard to do research, get connected, or organize your content. Hosting Webinars is always a treat for us. It’s fun to introduce Flipboard to bloggers and see them get excited about the incredible possibilities. Even more, we love being on hand to answer any questions new and experienced users might have. While we haven’t yet set the date for our next webinar, if you have questions of your own, or suggestions for posts that you’d like to see here, please feel free to email us at or tweet us with the hashtag #FlipBlogger. We’re standing by to help! ~JessicaR is curating Great Blog Posts