Photo by Gerald Martineau/The Washington Post/Getty Images Photo by Gerald Martineau/The Washington Post/Getty Images[/caption] Bilingual and early language teachers are more important than ever in 2016. More than 5 million students in the public school system are learning English. The Census Bureau reports over 350 languages spoken in U.S. homes. Knowing how many people speak these languages in a particular area provides valuable information to policymakers, planners, researchers and teachers. In the Languages Metazine, educators can gather information to supplement lessons, test students and learn about new teaching methods.

Inside you’ll find these magazines: Additionally, read how curator Bia Valle uses Flipboard to teach business professionals English. If you’d like to start a language specific magazine, you can start flipping from the Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian,  Russian and Spanish topics. Practice foreign language reading with verb drills or flipping flash cards in a Flipboard Magazine (best viewed in-app). Do you teach a language with a Flipboard Magazine? We’d love to include it in our FlipEDU metazine. Email us the link to or use the hashtag #FlipEDU on Twitter. ~jdlv is brushing up on Catalan GET FLIPBOARD ON: iOS / ANDROID / WINDOWS / WEB FOLLOW US ON: FLIPBOARD / TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE+ /TUMBLR / YOUTUBE / SOUNDCLOUD / PINTEREST / MEDIUM