Who do you look to for inspiration? In my personal learning network (PLN) I find inspiration from a group of amazing educators that continue to strive for excellence. One of them is Dr. Sarah Thomas, founder of EduMatch, an online community for educators that has brought forth authors, podcast hosts, and keynote speakers.

EduMatch promotes connection and collaboration among educators around the world. Through EduMatch, Sarah has published several collaborative and individual books and she currently serves as President on the Board of Directors for EduMatch Foundation, Inc. and she is the host of her own EduMatch Podcast. She is also a regional technology coordinator in Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland, and a member of the leadership team of the ISTE Digital Equity PLN.

In this episode of Flipboard EDU Podcast, we speak with Sarah and examine the impact of EduMatch’s PLN as well as her passion for teaching and learning through technology with a multicultural approach. EduMatch, which started as a conversation and has grown into an “edu-preneurial” force over the last five years, has also been instrumental in my own growth as a professional through collaboration with like-minded educators around the world. .  

—William Jeffery is curating Flipboard EDU Podcast

Coach Jeffery” is an award-winning digital learning educator and assistant principal at Columbia High School in Texas. His tech pedagogy continues to drive him to curate educational content on Flipboard that highlights teaching strategies, edtech, and ways to improve student success. He started co-hosting the “Flipboard EDU Podcast” as yet another way to share resources with his peers.