Sam Kary (left) and Thom Gibson (right)

I love talking with educators who are passionate about what they do for teachers and students. When I first saw a video from Sam Kary and Thom Gibson’s New EdTech Classroom, I was immediately hooked on how well they worked for educators, I started to follow them and collect their Instagram videos and TikToks, which share really cool websites for teachers and students. The New EdTech Classroom is my go-to resource for anything Google Education-related. Not only are Sam and Thom constantly updating their site, posting great resources and screencasts, they also have incredible videos that I collect in my Flipboard magazine.

Sam started his career in public education in 2010 as a Teach for America corps member in Richmond, Calif., having studied English, Spanish and urban education at university. Thom teaches middle-school math, robotics, and YouTube production — his educational background is in sound-recording technology, fine arts, and communication.

I had an exploratory interview with them about what got them started in EdTech, how they work together, and where their love of Google Education began. Our conversation went deep into how they work from home, the devices they use, and how their different organizational strategies work together. They provide great insight into how to engage students using technology.

In episode 63 of the Flipboard EDU Podcast, Sam and Thom of the EdTech Classroom discuss how they use technology to enhance their teaching and to support others in their teaching.

—William Jeffery is curating Flipboard EDU Podcast

Coach Jeffery” is an award-winning digital learning educator and principal at Columbia High School in Texas. His tech pedagogy continues to drive him to curate educational content on Flipboard that highlights teaching strategies, edtech, and ways to improve student success. He hosts the “Flipboard EDU Podcast” as yet another way to share resources with peers.