We’re always looking for curation that captures moments and shares perspectives about events and ideas that are shaping the world. This year, we’ve seen unprecedented civic youth engagement around the country, mobilizing and building momentum ahead of the 2018 and 2020 elections.
The Alliance For Youth Action is on the front lines of the youth vote movement, inspiring a generation to turn up and turn out in their communities. Their team is curating about the power of young voters in “Youth Vote” and “Broke AF“—stories about economic issues that are driving youth voters to the polls.
“We are committed to making sure that young people have the information they need to make informed decisions in the voting booth and the resources they need to fight for the issues they care about year-round,” Alliance For Youth Action Executive Director Sarah Audelo said. “For a generation that’s struggling economically…we launched the BrokeAF campaign to center the economic justice our generation needs and deserves.”
Check out the Alliance For Youth Action’s curation on Flipboard and continue to get informed ahead of the 2018 midterm elections with our Vote 2018 destination.
—Jessica Jordan is reading Vote 2018