At Flipboard, we believe strongly in the power of facts, in the power of information, and in the power of trusted sources and reporters. We’ve known this since Day One. These values drive our entire team and are becoming ever-more important as the world’s content landscape changes quickly. Our mission to curate the best sources into packages that help explain our world means we didn’t change our strategy with the onslaught of “fake news.” Instead, our principles, grounded in journalistic standards, held up to the test. It’s a test we take with our readers, our publishers and ourselves each day, with great care. (If you’re new to Flipboard, download it here.) The world’s most credible sources appear on our platform. We encourage you to follow them to get their meticulously reported stories delivered to your Flipboard home feed. As such, you tailor Flipboard to follow the news you care about. For anything auto-generated by Flipboard—such as your Smart Magazines—we fortify those feeds behind the scenes by emphasizing quality in the algorithm and through the smart choices of our editorial team. Our News Desk delivers packages that exemplify our values, day in and day out. If you haven’t already personalized your Flipboard, let these serve as your starter kit—click on the links below to follow any of these packages on Flipboard. THE DAILY EDITION by News Desk Your curated guide to the events of the day, with dedicated sections for news, business, technology, sports and more. NEWS by News Desk This magazine is led by the seven most important news stories in the world, at any given time. These are updated 24/7 from leading publishers, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Associated Press, TIME, ABC News and more. TECH by Tech Desk Follow this magazine to keep up with the biggest stories in innovation: the products, the companies and the inventions shaping our world. You’ll find stories from TechCrunch, Engadget, The Verge, The Next Web, CNET, Mashable and more. BUSINESS by News Desk Keep up with the markets and the biggest companies through our business section, which features CNBC, CNN Money, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, Bloomberg, Fortune and more. POLITICS by Politics Desk Follow the ever-evolving landscape in Washington with the most important news from the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court, plus follow elections across the country. This magazine features stories from The Washington Post, POLITICO, NBC News, CNN, NPR, FiveThirtyEight. Check out our Conservative View and Liberal View magazines to dig deeper on a specific perspective from leading partisan sources. EXPLAINERS by News Desk We carefully curate stories that help make sense of the biggest news events. These pieces break down some of the most complex issues to make sure you’re armed with the facts you need. BEHIND THE NUMBERS by News Desk Polling and figures are increasingly part of our news diets. This magazine dives deeper on these numbers to show changes in demographics and trends that may predict what’s to come in society. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTER by News Desk We tackle one issue from three different standpoints to ensure you receive a well-rounded package and understand one issue a bit deeper, from leading thinkers. 10 FOR TODAY by Flipboard Our editors choose 10 must-read stories each day that aim to educate and inspire, delivered to your inboxes. You can also find the package in the app. EXPLORE TAB This space in the app is changed throughout the week to feature the highest quality packages across Flipboard, curated by our editorial team, leading publishers and members of our community. ~Gabriella Schwarz, Managing Editor, Flipboard