Every Wednesday evening, members of the Flipboard Club—an unofficial group of passionate evangelists—hold a Twitter chat about a Flipboard-centric topic. The chats are usually so informative and inspiring that we thought we’d summarize the tips, tricks and ideas discussed each week and let you know what the next topic is going to be. Tomorrow night’s topic is “How Marketers Can Use Flipboard Magazines.” Join in the chat at 7pm PT / 10pm ET via the #FlipboardChat hashtag on Twitter. If the time zone doesn’t work for you, join their Facebook group to stay in the loop.
Last week, participants chatted about studying abroad with Flipboard. Here’s what they said:
Q1. What are the advantages of participating in a study abroad program?
- Study abroad widens horizons and perspectives. It goes beyond book learning.
- Learning about new cultures, languages traditions, food, history, music, meeting new people.
- Being exposed to a different lifestyle gets you out of the box.
- You can also learn about yourself. What makes you uncomfortable? What are your fears? Conquer them!
- Learn to be alone and be OK with it. It is a great trait to have as you go through life.
- From a Flipboard mag, students can learn all about the countries they’ll visit, the food they’ll eat.
- There are so many mags about different countries, cities, towns. Some curated by locals, so they’re great resources.
- News mags can help students stay on top of current events in the countries they’re going to.
- You can practice a language in a magazine. Collect instructional videos.
- Flipboard mags give students a chance to study studying abroad. Learn what to do and not to do as a foreigner in another country, the idiosyncrasies that go with certain cultures.
- Flipboard Magazines can give you a chance to immerse yourself in the culture of your new home before you arrive.
- Study abroad programs should use Flipboard Magazines to maintain digital brochures that show their value.
- Create mags that highlight countries where their programs are and the programs’ curricula.
- Study abroad programs should also offer mags with links to language study.
- Intro to the country culture. Instagram mags with participating students so they can connect. Packing lists.
- Highlight how much fun students will have in their programs.
- Would be useful to have visa and travel guide magazines. Essential for students. Embassies should also have magazines.
- A “Know Before You Go” kinda magazine would be great for students to have before leaving the country. Tips and tricks!
- Study abroad programs can curate content like photos, videos, stories and posts from virtually any travel website.
- Topic pages on Flipboard! Search for a country or even a major city.
- Alumni of previous trips. Their pictures, blog posts, etc. will be amazing.
- Travel bloggers! Lots of people turn their jobs virtual so they can travel the world = great content.
- Travel websites like Trip Advisor. Embassy guides, State department travel advisory board. Some countries require medical checks and vaccines.
- While looking for content, study abroad programs can switch the country for their content guides.
- 500px and Flickr for great pics to illustrate what study abroad is all about!
- If they have a place on their website that allows students to share stories, images, etc. they can use that for a mag.
- One way study abroad programs can engage students is by connecting prospectives with locals via co-curated Flipboard mags.
- Universities can work with students to put together their dream study abroad program using Flipboard magazines.
- If recent alums curate mags, students considering programs will be likely to engage. Also, comment on students’ mags and share them on social media. Give their flipping some positive reinforcement!
- Make mags while you prepare, while you’re there, when you come home.
- Start your Flipboard mag in advance to catch your transformation from local citizen to global citizen.
- Every night abroad, flip daily social media updates (yours & friends’) into one mag just for mom and dad.
- A student could start a hometown mag and have their family flip items into it while they are gone. Cure for homesickness!
- Save Twitter lists and other feeds. And connect your social media accounts!! You’re going to want to share your Instagram pics.
- Students (and any group of friends) can collaborate on research/brainstorming mags about places to visit together.
- With a group mag, students can find out what their friends are learning. Broadens their experience.
- You know what would be fun? Group of friends in different countries flipping into a shared mag to keep in touch.
- Contributor magazines are great for the group that is going to travel to the same country. They can curate together.
- In addition to that, everyone gets a ping when the group mag is updated! Almost like an international chat.
- Group mags lets everyone contribute what they find cool about a country – food, music, language, scenery etc. Diversity!
- Use the mag to show the good, bad, ugly being that far away from home and how you all got through it. Powerful resource.
- Right now I would say several mags to cover different aspects of study abroad
- It depends. It could be a quality vs. quantity issue. But, if you’re a die-hard flipper, GO TO TOWN!
- I think study abroad programs should have one main magazine but maintain several casual ones with sectionalized info like separate classes, study groups, etc.
- There are always metazines! You can nest magazines if you want to unite your own with other people’s, too. Programs might want to consider creating a separate “Emergency” mag w/ Embassy phone numbers, address, etc. Just in case.