Work-life-play With Flipboard in your pocket, you can boost your productivity and work better instead of harder. Information is always at your fingertips, just waiting to inform, educate, or entertain you whenever you have a spare moment. Here are a few ways that Flipboard can enhance every aspect of your day.

Flipboard for Work

No matter your field of work, Flipboard is always standing by to help you be your best self when you’re on the job.
  • Conduct industry research
With thousands of topics to choose from, Flipboard has you covered when it comes to keeping you in the know about what’s happening in your industry. Follow the topics that are most relevant to your chosen field and relevant stories will appear in your newsfeed. An article on Flipboard
  • Create a portfolio 
Let your work shine with a show-stopping Flipboard Magazine. Whether you’re looking for new gigs or just want to keep track of your best work, a Flipboard ‘portfolio’ allows you to easily share your accomplishments with any interested parties.
  • Collaborate on group magazines
Collaborate with co-workers or teammates on either public or private group magazines to create presentations or share pertinent information about competitors or your industry in a time saving and effective way.
  • See what your customers or community members are saying and respond in real-time
By integrating your Twitter and Flipboard accounts, you can track hashtags to monitor what’s happening in real time and engage with your community right from within the Flipboard app. In addition, any Twitter action you take on Flipboard—such as liking, RTing and commenting—will also apply to Twitter itself, consolidating your work streams and efforts. Twitter Post on Flipboard

Flipboard for Life

Whatever your day brings, Flipboard is right there to help you make the most of it.
  • Inform yourself on the go
The world seems to turn faster every day, bringing with it an equally fast-paced news cycle. Take advantage of little moments of downtime during the day to catch up on what matters. The five minutes in the grocery check-out lane, the moments while you wait for your coffee to percolate, or even the endless purgatory that is a doctor’s waiting room are great moments to flip through your Flipboard feed and keep an eye on the world.
  • Get wellness tips whenever you need them
From ways to shake up your exercise routine, innovative insights into achieving the always elusive work/life balance, and how to improve your overall wellness, Flipboard delivers an endless stream of inspiration to keep you humming throughout the day. Pick and choose from the many wellness topics available so that you never miss out on your daily dose of inspiration.
  • Eat better to live better
Whatever you most like to eat, Flipboard probably has suggestions you haven’t seen before. Flip through a treasure trove of mouthwatering recipes and easily add them to a magazine so you have them on hand whenever you’re ready to start cooking. From healthy eating to slow cooking by way of grilling and baking, your life is about to get a whole lot tastier!

Flipboard for Play

All work and no play makes life awfully dull. Use Flipboard to tap into your more whimsical side and let the good times roll!
  • Indulge in your passions
Passions are our thing at Flipboard. If you love it, we’ve got it. Search the topics for the subjects that make your heart beat a little faster and pepper your feed, and your day, with some of the more fun aspects of your life.
  • Explore new things
It’s not always easy to discover new ways to entertain ourselves, but with Flipboard, you’re only a flip or two away from discovering everything you never even knew you liked. Follow people who share your passions and discover what else makes them smile. From there, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump until you’re finding all sorts of new ways to have fun.
  • Plan vacations
Sometimes the best way to play is to get away from it all. Take advantage of Flipboard’s active travel community to bring to light all the wonderful places to explore in the world. Flip through the kind of travel advice, recommendations, and stories that will make you want to pack your bags today. Jessica is curating “Essential Oil, Essential Life