While some bloggers enjoy simply writing about whatever strikes their fancy when they sit down at their computers, many have discovered the power of maintaining an editorial calendar. Let’s take a look at how Flipboard can be the ideal solution when it comes to creating and updating one.

First things first: why is an editorial calendar useful?

There are lots of arguments for maintaining an editorial calendar. At the most basic level, keeping track of what you intend to post enables you to improve your content strategy and optimize what you write in order to meet any goals you might have set for your blog, but it also ensures that you never miss a big event or holiday that might be a good fit for your site. By planning out your posts months in advance, you can create diverse content that’s consistent in quality. And, of course, it helps you stay organized. (Looking for some more insights? Check this out.)

So, how does Flipboard help with all of that?

Since the organization of ideas is the core concept of an editorial calendar, Flipboard is actually the ideal tool for keeping one. Start by creating a private magazine for each of the coming months. Then, create a magazine for each of the various topics that you want to write about. Last, flip those magazines into the magazine for the month you think is ideal for that particular post. Using Flipboard as an editorial calendar Once you have identified the gist of each post, you can start flipping articles or images into the appropriate magazine so that everything relevant is in the same, easy-to-access place when you’re ready to start writing. Did you know that you can even flip a whole topic into a magazine? It’s a neat way to make sure you have access to all relevant articles! flipboard-topics-in-magazines As your ideas for posts percolate you can write notes and ideas and add them directly to the appropriate magazine. And if you decide to assign the post to a different writer, you can simply share the private magazine with them by adding them as a contributor.  

What are the exact advantages to using Flipboard for your editorial calendar?

Unlike maintaining a traditional editorial calendar, relying on Flipboard Magazines gives you a lot of freedom to move ideas around or switch post topics from month to month and the fluidity gives you extra control over your content strategy. Since Flipboard can be accessed on mobile or desktop, it’s a great solution if you often move from computer to phone to tablet. But really, the greatest benefit to using Flipboard as your editorial calendar is the sheer versatility of the items that can be added to a magazine. Between tweets, articles, notes, profiles, topics and even sound files, you can collect more than enough information to craft even the most complex and in-depth article of your own.

How about when the post is live on your blog, what then?

Since organization is the name of this particular game, you might not want to amass endless private magazines filled with inspiration for past posts. You could always choose to push the magazine to public after you add the link to your live post so that people can get the whole picture, or you could “archive” the magazine by flipping it into one that you’ve created for the sole purpose of organizing past research. Working on something exciting? Come tell us on Twitter! Be sure to tag your tweet with the #FlipBlogger hashtag. ~JessicaR is reading the ChatBots topic