One year ago, we unveiled Flipboard 2.0 — the version of Flipboard that enabled anyone to collect and share their favorite articles, photos, videos and audio in Flipboard magazines. When we launched magazines, we didn’t know exactly how our community would use them…but we knew you would amaze us.
Fast-forward one year, and we’ve seen the evidence: There are magazines that inspire and inform us. We see magazines that are beautiful, magazines that reflect your passions, magazines that make us laugh, and magazine that feel like magic.
And the best part is, we see all that, every single day of the week.
Today, on March 27, 2014, Flipboard’s community of MagMakers has created more than seven million magazines. (If you’re keeping score at home, that’s 19,178 magazines per day, or 13 magazines per minute.) So if there’s a topic, and you want to read about it, chances are someone is curating a Flipboard magazine about that right now.
We can help you find some of those terrific Flipboard magazines. Our #MagsWeLove magazine is an eclectic, staff-curated guide to some of the most engaging reads on Flipboard. It’s updated daily, so there’s always something new to read. Take a peek, and tap the Subscribe button at top left to add it to your Flipboard.