My name is Pierre Schurmann and I am an angel investor and world traveller. My work specializes in: Investing in great people with awesome businesses. That requires being on top of future trends and trying to understand people and their motivations for starting a business. I have a passion for: Travel and entrepreneurship. Having a family that’s sailed three times around the world, I love traveling. Being Brazil’s largest angel investor makes me passionate about people, startups and technology. I use Flipboard as: My main information and learning source. Every morning, I go through most news, technology, startups and investment magazines and feeds, and read about 50 stories a day. Out of those I share on my magazines Startup Stories and Startup Investing. On weekends, I read magazines focused on travel and psychology. I rarely visit news or content websites anymore. The purpose of my work is to: Enable people with great ideas that could positively change the world to have access to capital. Flipboard helps me with that by keeping me updated on what goes on around the world. The best article I read all week was: Immigrants Play a Disproportionate Role in America Entrepreneurship” from Harvard Business Review. Entrepreneurship is about diversity. The more people realize it, the better. My favorite topic on Flipboard is: Startups. When you love what you do—and do it well—life can be a lot of fun. A unique productivity tip of mine is: To block times for consuming vs producing. And be very, very committed to it. If I could offer one piece of advice to my younger self, it would be: Not worry so much about how life will turn out. Sometimes people are late bloomers. Just make sure you learn along the way. ~CarolF is curating Brazil in The News