My name is Matt Hart and I am a professional photographer from Liverpool in the United Kingdom, as well as Fujifilm X Photographer/Ambassador. My work specializes in capturing the world around me as it happens. I take photographs on the streets and at events, and aim to work in a candid way—to be invisible as all the action happens around me. I have a passion for street photography. I’ve always had an interest in people-watching from a very young age, and this developed into a hobby, which is now a very big part of my life. I use Flipboard because I got fed up with the mainstream media years ago and found my attention span getting shorter. I also wanted a quick way to view what interested me without all the adverts and propaganda. The first few sites I read in the morning are the interesting photography sites that come up in the home feed: normally PetaPixel and The Phoblograper have the most interesting articles. The purpose of my work is to capture the world as I see it without changing the dynamic out there on the streets. Once captured, I love to share my work on social media and pass on the skills I have learnt in over 40 years of photography to both professionals and amateurs through workshops and talks. What makes my photography different is…I think my passion for people-watching shows through in my images. I understand that my work might not be relevant for the next 50-100 years, which drives me to go out every week and find something new. The best article I read all week was “Photographer Harassed Online After Calling Out Pop Star for Stealing His Photo” in PetaPixel. I think the photographer’s reply was great. But I also understand that most people don’t understand that copying an image from the Internet is image theft. It’s a very controversial subject. I have images stolen all the time and I don’t even blink an eye anymore. If it’s blatant theft and I see it I might send an email to the thief, but to be honest, most of the time I am just too busy to worry about it. My enjoyment from photography is to be out there taking pictures. The images I have not taken yet are the most important to me. My “media diet” includes being a bit of a social media nut. I use all the social media sites that show my work in a good light and help me further my business. I’m trying to slim this down these days and try to stick to Flickr, Instagram, Flipboard, Facebook and Twitter, but still dip my toes in some of the others now and again. A unique productivity tip of mine is don’t put off to tomorrow what can be done today. I live by that saying! I use apps and a diary to structure my day so my desk is always clear at the end of every night. I don’t think it’s very unique, but people spend far too much time faffing about these days. One issue that needs more attention is photography vs Photoshop. The moment has come for it to be addressed and defined. I stick to street photography because it’s the purest form of photography. I have nothing against Photoshop but do feel photography and graphic art are two different things. If I could offer one piece of advice to my younger self, it would be don’t go out and get drunk and party every night; save up and buy a decent camera and get out there and perfect your art. Do a project every year. If I had been given that advice, I would have retired by now! ~ShonaS is reading World Photography News FOLLOW US ON: FLIPBOARD / TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE+ /TUMBLR /YOUTUBE / SOUNDCLOUD / PINTEREST / MEDIUM