Justine Barretta handles business development for Rodale, the company that’s responsible for popular wellness publications like Rodale Wellness, Women’s Health and Men’s Health , as well as a number of organic beauty products. A big part of her job involves helping Rodale get the word out about their many articles on wellness and health using Flipboard. She shared her reading habits, what she’s discovered on Flipboard, and how she’s preparing herself for a move from New Jersey to NYC. As a millennial who is obsessed with absorbing new content, reading is a personal freedom that I take full advantage of simply to expand my mind and educate myself. Reading is never a chore when you have thousands of sources that speak to you in different ways. Once you find a topic of interest, reading becomes necessary and informative to your everyday routine. I love reading all of Rodale’s brands, including Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Rodale Wellness and Rodale’s Organic Life, because the content is something I embrace in my everyday life. Rodale inspires people to live a happy, healthy life by helping you do so with uplifting, motivational content. I also enjoy GQ, PopSugar, Washington Post and Travel + Leisure. These sources provide me with the latest trends like politics, travel, beauty and celebrity gossip. Flipboard also plays a role in my work. As a Business Development Coordinator, reading and digesting content is a part of my everyday routine when pitching to different partners. Flipboard allows me to browse through many topics and give me ideas on my pitch process in order to successfully target the audience. I find myself using Flipboard during my lunch break, but especially now, with the election in full force, throughout the day to stay up to date with the presidential candidates. I follow Eat Clean, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, CNN and The New York Times. My favorite topics include technology, livingfood and dining, travel, style and cities. These topics are what I’m most interested in and a perfect way to educate myself with the most innovative content. I discovered photos and design when browsing through Flipboard after reading the news section. This particularly caught my eye because come September, my big move to New York City will consist of decorating a 500 square foot apartment! ~ShonaS is curating Media Message