Popular requests for darker background colors and larger font sizes now available.[/caption] Flipboard is supporting the new iOS 11 experience by adding a much anticipated feature: Smart Invert Colors (enabling as close to “dark mode” as is possible on iOS). Starting today, iPhone and iPad users who upgrade to iOS 11 can flip through the pages of Flipboard while in bed or in dark environments (like on a night flight) without staring at a bright screen—light that can not only be bothersome to others but is also particularly hard on people with low vision. There’ve been many studies on the health impacts of reading on screens at night (which is when many people are using Flipboard). By switching to the Smart Invert Colors mode darker screen, the brighter hues are reduced, helping address at least some of the issues associated with using devices before bed (although Night Shift mode is more directly helpful in these scenarios). If you’re interested, here’s a good article with several links to studies about the health and sleep benefits when reducing exposure to digital screens. With Smart Invert Colors, the traditionally white text background reverses to black with white type. And the images have been tone corrected to accommodate the dark mode without creating a psychedelic palette. Here’s a great article sharing more about Smart Color Invert and how to set it up on your iPhone. In keeping with the theme of “making Flipboard easier on the eyes,” we’re also adding support for Dynamic Type so that your iOS text size preferences transfer to your Flipboard stories. Enjoying Flipboard in the same font size as other apps not only makes Flipboard more reader-friendly, but it’s also less jarring as you go back and forth between Flipboard and apps like email. For this feature, you don’t need to do anything: we’ll just detect your preferences and reflect them in your Flipboard fonts. Keep flipping (but get some rest, too), ~Marci is reading Sleep Wisdom, an awesome collection of stories around the health effects of sleep