The curation by our community is essential to the content experience on Flipboard—publishers, businesses and individuals are sharing articles and videos on every topic imaginable in Flipboard Magazines. A good portion of those 30 million magazines is curated by business owners and marketers to support business goals. Businesses use content curation to showcase their thought leadership, to distribute brand journalism and content marketing efforts, or create brochures and catalogs, to name a few of the use cases for curated magazines.
Curator Pro, which we launched a few weeks ago for everyone who curates magazines, is especially powerful for businesses and for anyone who is using our platform to build audiences. Curator Pro is a web-based tool for organizing and editing magazines and also provides more granular analytics to see how people are engaging with the content in a magazine. This is our first step toward illuminating the value people get from magazines on Flipboard, and curators can use the insights and engagement analytics to inform future curation.
Accessing Curator Pro
It’s easy to get started: simply log into your Flipboard account on the web and go to your Profile. There you’ll see your magazines with two icons on them:
1.) The bar-chart icon will bring you to the analytics dashboard, which provides a 30-day history of most opened articles, most shared articles, new followers and more.
2.) The pencil icon brings you to a redesigned suite of editing tools that lets you organize the stories and videos in your Flipboard Magazines, as well as edit the title, description and cover image. You can also invite contributors to co-curate your magazine.
The introduction of Curator Pro is part of a broader initiative to elevate curation on Flipboard, which also includes various efforts to promote discovery and sharing of Flipboard Magazines. For instance, our editors recently started featuring a daily selection of Flipboard Magazines and Storyboards around timely or inspiring topics in Today’s Picks, and relevant magazines and Storyboards curated by the community are surfaced in topic feeds and a user’s For You feed.
By making it easier to find and follow Flipboard Magazines, we hope our users and partners can build audiences and gain important feedback on their curation. Be sure to share your magazines with us on social by tagging @Flipboard.
—Christel van der Boom, head of communications at Flipboard, is reading Top Stories in Politics