Did you know that #Science is one of the most followed topics on our platform? It’s one of the reasons we launched the Science Desk nearly three years ago. The profile — which you should totally follow — brings you news hand-picked by our editors around some of the biggest science-related topics, whether it’s space, archeology, biology, COVID-19, and more. You can also browse some of the best community-curated collections here from people who love science as much as we do.

Today, we’re excited to launch another opportunity for you to stay abreast of what’s happening in science, right in your inbox: Introducing our weekly “Science Briefing” newsletter.

Delivered on Friday mornings, each week’s email not only highlights three areas of scientific interest but also magazines from our community you should follow.

Flipboard’s “Science Briefing” is the latest addition to our growing lineup of newsletters, joining the likes of our “Climate Briefing,” “Tech Briefing,” “10 For Today,” and ones around photography, travel, food and personal finance.

Subscribe today so you don’t miss an issue. Visit Flipboard.com/newsletters to sign up, or just follow #Science and we’ll do the rest for you.

— Ken Yeung, assistant managing editor, is curating the Science of COVID-19 magazine.