As she recently described in a story about her work:
“As the curator of The Culturist, I have the responsibility (and privilege!) of delivering the best in culture to you. A byproduct of the job is that I know what’s up in movies, TV, music, books and more. Naturally, I take full advantage of that when deciding what to read, watch and listen to myself.”
Mia has followed her love of music and culture her whole life. She turned her passion—as well as her great taste—into a career. Before she was at Flipboard, she led editorial and community at YouTube. And before that, she was the managing editor at Rhapsody, a music streaming service that was ahead of its time.
Now she’s thrilled to be contributing a column for Axios. Once a week, she’ll take one movie, TV show, new album or other essential pop culture item and dive deep for this audience. Using Axios’s signature “Smart Brevity” style, she’ll explain the bigger picture, point out what to pay attention to, and offer takeaways and further reading.
You can read the first column about the seventh and final season of “Veep,” on Axios. And this week, she’s writing about Jordan Peele’s “Twilight Zone” reboot. The culture column will be featured in Axios PM every Friday; if you want to receive it in your inbox, sign up for Axios PM. Naturally, it’s available on Flipboard, too, via Axios.
—Christel is reading “The Culturist“