Our most recent Travelers in Residence, Daryl and Mindi Hirsch of 2foodtrippers, know a thing or two about being successful on Flipboard. They recently wrote an article that chronicled their journey here, inspiring other creators to leverage this platform too. We’re reprinting an excerpt with their permission but also encourage you to visit their blog to read the whole piece.
We joined Flipboard in 2016. While we weren’t exactly early adopters, we were relatively early to the party. Back then, we set up some Magazines and randomly flipped articles from our computers. A few hundred people followed the 2foodtrippers account, which provided us with a trickle of traffic for a few years.
Things changed in 2020 when travel came to a screeching halt. Cooped up at home, we had time on our hands to try new things. We added the Flipboard app to our phones and read articles when we woke up each morning and before bed at night. We also started flipping our own content every day.
Flipboard rewarded our enthusiasm by giving us access to Storyboards later that year and Publisher status the next year. We’re now approaching 27,000 followers and were selected as inaugural participants in Flipboard’s Creator Program. We even did a gig as Flipboard’s Traveler in Residence, which was a great experience.
Fast forward to the present and that aforementioned trickle of traffic has turned into a steady stream.
While Flipboard is now part of our business model, we also use Flipboard when we’re planning trips…
Read on to learn how Daryl and Mindi use Flipboard to plan travel and after they return home from their culinary adventures to find inspiration and share stories.
If you or someone you know would like access to some of the tools and programs mentioned by the Hirsches, apply today to become part of our creator community.
— Daryl and Mindi Hirsch, bloggers at 2foodtrippers, are curating Drinks Around the World