On Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. ET, we’re excited to present the third conversation in our series with History Club on Clubhouse. This time the topic is “Photography and Women’s History,” for which History Club founder and host Jason Steinhauer has invited curator and art historian Mary Panzer to be his special guest.
Each talk in this Clubhouse series is supplemented by a collection of stories that allows listeners to go deeper on what’s being discussed. Check out this companion Storyboard for some pre-reading on how photography used to be a field that was relatively easy for women to enter, how women photographers shaped some of the most iconic imagery of the 20th century, and how women today are still bucking the myth of the “macho” photojournalist.
You can use this invite to learn more about the event and to add it to your calendar.
Our first conversation in the series was called “Photography and the Holocaust,” in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 2022. If you missed the conversation Jason had with Michael Glickman, founder of JMuse and former CEO of the Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, you can listen to it on the History Club’s page and/or check out the related Storyboard with essential reads curated by Jason.
Our second conversation was called “Photography and the Civil Rights Movement,” in which Jason spokewith Dr. Martha Bouyer, the creator of the Stony the Road project, and Steven Murray from the Alabama State Archives. You can catch up on that talk as well as check out the companion Storyboard.
“See” you on Clubhouse this Thursday night!
— Mia Quagliarello, head of creator community and newsletters, is reading “History Club”