Two screens side by side, showing William Jeffery and Mia Quagliarello in a video call with each other.

Mia Quagliarello, Flipboard‘s head of creator community, is an advocate for creative people and loves nothing more than helping them find audiences and inspiration. On her podcast, “The Art of Curation,” and in her Substack interviews, she celebrates and discusses the importance of human taste in a tech-driven world. She believes that even smaller creators can make an impact by tapping into Flipboard’s community and ecosystem.

Mia runs the Flipboard Creator Programs, which are full of opportunities for creators via initiatives like the Newsletter Takeover Program, Residency Program, Sponsor Referral Program, Promoted Stories Program  and more. In the newsletter initiative, experts can guest-curate around food, travel, tech, climate, personal finance and photography. Creators with advertiser relationships will want to check out the sponsor referral program, where they can keep 100% of the first campaign’s earnings. Select participants are invited into the Creator Collective — which, by the way, is my favorite — where members can get Flipboard’s red check for free.

We also discuss Flipboard’s recent leap into the Fediverse with its own Mastodon instanceMastodon is a decentralized, open-source social media platform that’s gaining popularity as many look for a Twitter alternative.This endeavor offers curators another channel to broaden their reach, ensuring that their effort gets seen by as many eyes as possible.

In this episode, we outline ways content creators and curators can create an experience entirely unique to their communities on Flipboard. We also introduce the new creator programs and reveal how listeners who make content can get involved. 

—William Jeffery is curating Flipboard EDU Podcast

William “Coach” Jeffery is an award-winning digital learning educator and principal at Columbia High School in Texas. His tech pedagogy continues to drive him to curate educational content on Flipboard that highlights teaching strategies, edtech, and ways to improve student success. He hosts the “Flipboard EDU Podcast” as yet another way to share resources with peers.