151204-Gift-of-Flipboard-personas-Creatives Click here to send the Creatives gift. The Gift of Flipboard is a set of 21 gifts we’ll be “uncovering” every day in December on this blog. Each gift is free and highly likely to get the creative juices flowing. In the gift for Creatives, you’ll find a pre-populated mix articles about design from places like Fast Company and Brain Pickings; topics like painting and drawing; plus an endless stream of stunning graphics and GIFs. Inside you’ll find these Flipboard Magazines (and many others!):

Your friends will thank you dearly for the inspiration. Click here to send Gift of Flipboard for Creatives! Get into the giving spirit and visit Holiday Central for our gift guides and ways to give back to the community. ~jdlv is crazy about Animation GET FLIPBOARD ON: iOS / ANDROID / WINDOWS / WEB FOLLOW US ON: FLIPBOARD / TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE+ /TUMBLR /YOUTUBE / SOUNDCLOUD / PINTEREST / MEDIUM